Thursday, January 15, 2015

What Does Your Coffee Mug Say About You?

On these cold winter mornings, the first thing we reach for, is a mug to fill with our morning coffee or tea. Now we all have our favorite mug. Actually, I have 2 favorite mugs that are similar and recently we purchased 2 new mugs for my husband. 

Isn't it funny, but we won't drink out of the others' mug. 

Are you a romantic?

Are you a cookie lover?

Are you a cat lover?

Are you not willing to miss that last drop of coffee?

Are you a Gilmore Girls fan?

This is my grandmother's coffee cup. It is my very favorite cup to use. However, I only use this on special occasions. Notice how only one finger fits in the handle. I prefer mugs that are much bigger and I want all of my fingers to grip the handle. Some mornings a bucket of coffee would suffice. Well, maybe a small bucket. 

Now to you-

What is your favorite mug?

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