Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Do It Yourself- Throat Sprays

Throat sprays are a great way to give our bodies vitamins, minerals and the amazing benefits of essential oils. They are convenient, easy to use and easy to make! Ingesting Vitality oils allows us to really receive the health benefits of the oils, and making throat sprays is a simple way to do that. Customize the base recipe for your individual needs or try one of the combinations below!

Base recipe

  • 10mL glass spray bottle
  • 5-10 drops Vitality oil(s) of choice
  • Pinch Himalayan salt (helps the oil and water mix)
  • Filtered water
  • Splash Thieves mouthwash (optional)


EVERYDAY WELLNESS Use this spray as part of your daily wellness routine alongside your Thieves roller!

  • 10mL glass spray bottle
  • 1 drop each Thieves, Lemon, Frankincense, Clove, Copaiba Vitality oils
  • Optional: 1 dropperful liquid Vitamin D drops
  • Filtered water
  • Splash Thieves mouthwash (optional)

CHANGING SEASONS This beloved LLP blend is our go-to when the seasons change and air quality becomes less than ideal. Make this spray to give your respiratory system some TLC.

  • 10mL glass spray bottle
  • 3 drops Lavender Vitality
  • 1-2 drops Lemon, Copaiba Vitality
  • 1 drop Peppermint Vitality
  • Pinch Himalayan salt (helps the oil and water mix)
  • Filtered water

DAILY BOOST Grab this spray for a little boost of energy whenever you’re running low!

  • 10mL glass spray bottle
  • 1 dropperful liquid B12 drops
  • Optional: 1 dropperful liquid Vitamin D drops
  • 3 drops Lemon Vitality
  • 2 drops Nutmeg Vitality
  • 1 drop Black Pepper Vitality
  • Filtered water
  • Splash Thieves mouthwash (optional)

SWEET DREAMS Use this spray before bedtime or any time you need to add a little calm to your day.

  • 10mL glass spray bottle
  • 3 drops Lavender Vitality
  • 2 drops each Orange, German Chamomile Vitality
  • 1 dropperful Citrus CBD Oil
  • Filtered water
If you have any questions, I am here to help. Please send me an email.

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