Wednesday, January 7, 2015

A Word For This New Year

Last year, my word for the year was Simplify. Which last year at this time, I was working on simplifying my life and the closets and cabinets in our home. So this year, I just did not even give it a thought, because I knew that Simplify was the word of the year again. In fact, I had decorated my planner with this word. But after reading Art of a Beautiful Life and reading some of the words she shared on her blog. I felt as though I had grown as a person from last year at this time, I needed a new word that focused on this growth.

Her words:
Action, Appreciate, Believe, Bloom, Brave, Breathe, Celebrate, Confidence, Create, Faith, Fierce, Focus, Grace, Gratitude, Happy, Hope, Imagine, Immerse, Indomitable, Inhabit, Intentional, Joy, Kindness, Love, Momentum, Peace, Positive, Pray, Present, Rejoice, Shine, Show-up, Simplify, Soar, Thrive, Unstoppable, Unwritten, Visible

At first, I chose the word, unafraid. Because this year, I want to try new adventures. I have new ideas on where I want my blog to go and grow. I do not want to be afraid to try new things and let that fear stop me. But the more I thought about it, the more I started to focus on the afraid portion of the word, instead of the whole word, unafraid. Afraid was in the word. 

An essential aspect of creativity is not being afraid to fail. - Edwin Land

New word

So, I threw this word out of the list and focused on the word, confidence. That is what I want to have more of this year. Less negativity and more confidence. I have allowed the fear of failure to stop me. 

I changed the word of the year in my planner.

With this new word in my repertoire, I want to be to able to focus more on the positive aspects of the new year. All the while, pushing those negative thoughts out of the picture.

What is new in the coming year?

I am working on a newsletter for the blog. This is something I have been wanting to do, but I have been too afraid to try. I am also working on a project to go along with the newsletter.

I have a few personal goals that I have set for myself this year. I will tackle these with confidence and leave fear behind, even though I may fail.

Now to you-

What have you decided on for your word of the year?

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