Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Much Needed Spring Cleaning In The Kitchen

I finally tackled cleaning out my last kitchen cabinet that needed organizing. In January, I started organizing my house. I have put off this last cabinet, for awhile. The other day, I thought I needed to get to work. So, I started on the project and took many breaks. This is a picture of my procrastinated organizing project. 

I don't know why I was so nervous about working in the cabinet. Oh yes, I forgot to show you my cabinet before I got to work!

This cabinet had become a kind of catch all, so to speak. So, I removed items and placed them back where they needed to go. Then, I cleaned the cabinet with a damp cloth. Let it dry and applied contact paper to the bottom of the shelf. I threw away some old pots and pans that I knew I would not use anymore. Then, I put everything back in the cabinet. Now, we can find the pans we want to use without everything coming crashing down! 

Now, to tackle under my bathroom sinks and drawers!

Everyone, thank you for reading
Have a blessed day!


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