Saturday, July 26, 2014

How to Make Fabric Softener With Vinegar

Last weekend, I shared a post of how to make 3 ingredient laundry detergent. This weekend I am sharing how to make your own fabric softener. As was the detergent recipe, this is another recipe I received at my soap making class. 

1 cup baking soda
6 cups of vinegar
40 drops of any essential oil

Put 1 cup of the baking soda into your container

Baking soda helps to regulate the pH level in the laundry rinse water by keeping it from being too acidic or alkaline. Adding baking soda to each rinse cycle acts as a balance to suspend detergent or mineral deposits that can make clothing feel stiff.

Add your vinegar, VERY SLOWLY, to the container with the baking soda.

Vinegar naturally softens laundry by removing the soap and residue build-up.  Vinegar contains small amounts of potassium and sodium, which softens hard water, dissolves mineral build up in the washing machine, and reduces static in the dryer. 

(Note, You have to add the vineagar slowly till you use the last drop.) Otherwise, it will bubble up over the rim. Yes, I did this, and yes, I had a mess.

Next, stir in about 40 drops of any essential oil. I chose lavender. But any will do. 
The solution will settle to the bottom of your container. Just give it a little shake or stir before you use it.


Add 1/2 cup of your fabric softener in the rinse cycle. You can add it manually when the rinse cycle starts. Or, put the fabric softener in your washing machine fabric softener dispenser located in the middle of the barrel.

This home made fabric softener leaves your clothes soft and static free. 

If you have any questions about using vinegar in your washing machine, I will add a link here discussing the pros and cons of using vinegar in your washing machine.

An easy tip I read on line, was just to add 2 tablespoons of baking soda to your wash. It softens your clothes also.

Please leave me a note in the comments if you have tried this. Or share any of the hundreds of different ideas out there for home made fabric softener. 

Update: I no longer add the essential oil to the vinegar, baking soda, fabric softener. I was worried my clothes would smell like vinegar. It does not. Now, I use the essential oils as a dryer sheet.
Have a blessed day!

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