Friday, July 11, 2014

Create A Refreshing Drink With Water and Fuit

This summer, I have no idea why, but I am not interested in drinking water. I understand why we need water on these warm summer days, but lately, I am reaching for fruit juices. While the juice that I drink does not contain high fructose corn syrup, I still need to put the juice back on the store shelf and drink my water. 

fruit infused water

Last week, I was watching Pink So Foxy on YouTube and she shared how she makes fruit infused water in Mason jars. I thought I would try making this to "spice up" the just plain water that I was "Not" drinking. 

First I filled my Mason jar drinking glass with filtered water.   
I cut up some strawberries and added them to the Mason jar. I cut up some fresh nectarines and added them. The possibilities are endless. These fruits were just what I had on hand.

strawberries and nectarines in water

Christine then screwed a Mason jar lid on to the top of the jar and explained you can either chill the water or drink it right away. Well, I did not have a Mason lid, so, I cut a piece of parchment paper large enough to cover the mouth of the jar, secured it tightly with a rubber band, and placed the drink in the refrigerator to chill for 2 hours. 

makeshift lid over fruit infused water

After 2 hours in the refrigerator, the fruit had infused with the water giving the water a nice sweet taste. Not a sickly, sweet taste that I was used to with the sweetened fruit juices. The softened fruit was an added little treat. I squeezed a small amount of lemon juice in the water as I was cutting up the lemon for the picture. This gave the water a nice, little added tang.

chilled fruit infused water

The Mason jar is a quart jar. Meaning 32 ounces of water. The recommended amount of water one needs to drink in one day is 64 ounces of water. At the present moment, I drink one Mason jar a day. But I figure one jar is better than no water at all. Which is basically what I was previously drinking.

Since watching Christine's video, I have noticed the many different varieties of fruit infused water that others have shared on Google +. The drinks they share look wonderful and I can not wait to try those.

Let me know in the comments below some of your favorite fruit infused water drinks.

Have a blessed day!

1 comment:

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