Tuesday, January 9, 2018

How To Focus On Your Dreams

Have you ever had someone stomp on your dreams?

Have you ever been told to "just give up and quit" by someone who doesn't see the potential that you see in your dream, hobby, or business?

I'll tell you why this happens in a moment:

I recently heard a song on the radio with the lyrics-

"If you ain't got nothing nice to say...don't say nothing at all,

Pouring salt in my sugar...won't make yours any sweeter,

So I'll do me, honey and you just do you."

I do not know who sang this, just heard it in passing.

I was mainly focused on the last line, because...

At some point you have to make the decision to "just do you."

But the question still begs to be answered...

Why do others (sometimes the people we believe should support us the most) feel the need to put us down and criticize and steal our dreams?

Well, a mentor of mine helped me to understand why this happens...

"Average men love other average men because they justify each other's averageness."

So don't let it get you down...

Instead recognize it for what it is,

Know that when you have your sight set on your dreams or building your business, it can make a lot of people around you feel uncomfortable about their own lack of ambition.

My advice to you from my favorite author and speaker, Jim Rohn
"Ambition is at the very core of success and extraordinary achievement. Unlike greed, it's a powerful, creative and constructive force."

What dreams and ambitions do you have your sights set on this year?

I look forward to hearing from you.

Let us know in the comments below.

Also, feel free to leave me a comment, let's chat!

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