Thursday, February 27, 2020

Why do shortcuts fall short?

Why do shortcuts fall short?

People are looking for that shortcut to lose weight,
get healthy,
or hit their wellness goals.
And almost 88% of people who set a New Year Resolution...FAILED!
Lots of people were just looking for a shortcut.

Unless you plan to never get busy,

always be prepared,

pass up birthday party and dinner invites, skip vacations,
and stick to a schedule all day every day -

LIFE will get in the way of your "perfect" plan.

That's true in health/wellness just like it is in life.
Sustainability = Success
Shortcuts = Shortcomings
It is actually fairly easy to reach a goal.
The challenge is that it takes longer than we want to get there.
Lasting success takes consistency and TIME.


  1. Kathy, you're so right. I don't devote enough time and I really need to!


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