Wednesday, August 9, 2017

A Health Food Store Haul

A quick stop by my local health food store.

My hometown has many old buildings. Some over 100 years old. 

The health food store is located in one of these buildings.

The walls are painted brick.

The floor is made of wooden planks that creak when you walk on them.

Products are hand labeled with price stickers.

The employees wear aprons.

A step back in time so to speak.

Do you have a favorite store that reminds you of childhood days?

Let me know in the comments below.

Also, if you would like to chat, send me an email with any questions.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE stores like that. There is a town not far from here that has an old woolen mill that has been turned into shops and a small cafe. It is a wonderful place to visit-creaking floors and the sights and scents of bygone years. xo Diana


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