Tuesday, June 13, 2017

10 Toxins To "Oust" From Your Bathroom

10 toxins to oust from your bathroom

These 10 chemicals listed below are harmful to your health:

Sodium Laurel Sulfate
Propylene Glycol
Air fresheners contains formaldehyde
Chemicals in sunscreens like benzone
Tricolosan-hand sanitizers
Colors and pigments-contain toluene

The closer you look, the more products you find that we commonly use, contain toxic substances which are harmful to our health.

Be careful and mindful when purchasing products used in the bathroom.

Choose to use toxic free cleaners and beauty products.

Download the Think Dirty App and the EWG app. Check to make sure the products that you use are chemical free and toxic free.

Now to you:

What products have you switched to, in order to rid your bathroom of harmful toxins?

If you want more information on how to get toxins from your bathroom, feel free to send me an email.

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