Friday, May 12, 2017

25 Creative Ideas To "Strategically Place" Your Business Card

Business cards are a topic in which people have one opinion or another. Some people are very specific as to who they give their business card, or, others hand out their business cards freely.

Because business cards cost money, business owners might need to save money in this specific area of their business. However, many printing companies offer promotions when you purchase from them, or you might be able to create your own business cards on your computer.

Be sure that your business card reflects the concept of your business. Teddy bears might be fitting for a day care center, but not appropriate for a health and fitness company. Check to make sure the font is readable. Also, the card should not be cluttered with so much information that the card is confusing. In other words, the business card should reflect what your business is and allow your future customers to be able to reach you.

"Most people are too stingy with business cards." states Leslie Truex, author of The Work at Home Success Bible. I, myself, feel that handing a business card to another individual allows you to share your business without trying to be pushy. Share your card and then the person receiving the card can determine whether he wants to follow up, or save, until the circumstance occurs when he might need to utilize your service.

Listed below are 25 ideas for you to strategically place your business card with minimal advertising cost to you.

Never leave your house without plenty of business cards to "leave" around.

  1. Restaurants #1- leave your card on the table where you have finished your meal.
  2. Restaurants #2- the empty table next to you.
  3. Place in returned library books.
  4. Hair salon
  5. Nail salon
  6. Doctor’s office
  7. Mechanic's waiting room
  8. Wherever there is a waiting room.
  9. On the pump at gas stations (you might need some double sticky tape)
  10. Health food stores
  11. Print shops
  12. As you leave the register at a department store.
  13. The salesclerk
  14. Public restrooms
  15. Banks
  16. Retirement homes
  17. Laundromat
  18. Veterinarian's office
  19. As a convenient slip of paper when you need to write something down.
  20. Give the person more than one business card and ask him to share.
  21. When you leave a seat, a card might “accidentally” fall out of your pocket onto the chair.
  22. Some businesses have containers specifically for business cards.
  23. Some businesses have bulletin boards specifically for business cards.
  24. ATMs
  25. And my favorite -Put the card in your bill payment envelopes when you send in your bill. If they send you an envelope every month, you might as well use it to your advantage. My mortgage company is, for sure, going to know who I am. Hey, might as well!

I have found this to be a creative endeavor when I leave the house. Where can I find a new place to strategically leave my business card.

Just make sure you do not violate any laws. Private property might not be the best idea.

So, please leave me comments below where you have placed your business cards. Rest assured that I will be taking and using those ideas.

Oops...did I leave that there?

P.S. If this post has given you new creative ideas for where to “strategically place “ your business cards, please send me an email. I would love to hear from you.

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