Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Flourless Almond Butter Cookie Recipe

This ten minute, five ingredient recipe does not require the use of flour. The almond butter replaces both the flour and butter in these on the go treats. 30 minutes from start to finish and you will have created a quick treat to settle that sweet tooth craving.

flourless almond butter cookies

The five ingredients are-

1 cup almond butter
1 cup semisweet chocolate chips
1/2 cup packed light brown sugar
2 large eggs
1/2 teaspoon coarse salt

flourless almond butter cookies

15 minutes and three easy steps to prepare-

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In a large bowl stir together all the the above ingredients, until well mixed.

2. On a parchment lined baking sheet, place 1 inch mounded cookie dough approximately 1 inch apart. Bake until cookies are set and have turned a slightly golden brown color, approximately 15 minutes.

3. Transfer from baking sheet and allow to cool. Store in an air tight container.

30 minutes and you have a light snack of a quick treat added to a sack lunch. Pack these in an air tight container for a day trip. These treats are convenient for an on the go snack.

Also, try these energy bites as another on the go snack.

Now to you- 

I am always looking for quick ideas to take on the go, what tasty treats do you have to share with us?

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  1. They look delicious Kathy! How interesting that the almond butter replaces the flour and the butter.

    1. The eggs act as the binder and holds everything together. And because no flour is used the cookies are not as dry as when I try and add the non gluten flours.
      And even better the next day!
      Thank you for stopping by! :)

  2. a delicious looking G/F cookie!!!

    "naughty" you! showing me such a yummy looking delight!

    just when I am trying to drop some pounds. >,-))))))

  3. These look great, and I love that they are the healthy version. Thanks for sharing!

    1. They are pretty tasty. A great quick treat. Thank you for stopping by!

  4. OMGOODNESS! Those sound really really good!!! I love almond butter. xo Diana

    1. I like almond butter. But I am liking the SunButter made with sunflower seeds. I feel it has a lighter taste.
      I do like the chocolate almond butter though.
      Chocolate, Diana Chocolate. LOL

  5. These sound ah.maze.ing. Going to try them. Thanks!


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