Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Do You Remember When Phones Were Not Portable?

Rotary phones were quite the convenience once upon a time. Who didn't like stretching the cord as far as it would go? Or, sticking your fingers through the coils? 

But, you were stuck talking on the phone in one place.

My son would talk to his grandmother on this style of phone that hung on the kitchen wall.

Then, he used a phone such as this one. He could talk to her from anywhere in the house.

This You Tube video shows how children react when a rotary phone is placed in front of them.

This is how I feel when my son has to tell me how to use my cell phone at times.

Now to you-

Do you know how to use a rotary phone?

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  1. Oh my Dear! :-))) I was born in 1937. I remember phones, on which you picked up the receiver, turned a crank, and the local operator came on. She then rang the number, you asked for. And we had party lines...


    1. Should add, that with party lines, you counted the number of rings, to know if the call was for you, or for another, on the party line. Like 1 ring, 2 rings, 3 rings. Being polite, you didn't pick up, unless you heard your ring.

      But.... Come on... People aren't necessarily purrrrrrrfect... ,-)

    2. I do remember the party lines. And who knows maybe you miscounted. Really you needed to make sure the call was not for you!!!! ;)

  2. As to the rotary phones, some gals got long, long extension cords... They could "take" their wall mounted receiver, quite a long ways, around the kitchen. And keep doing house work, while chatting with friends. :-)


    1. They were the lucky ones. We never had longer extension cords. They were so lucky. ;) The longer ones were very easy to tangle themselves up. ;}

  3. Too funny! Yes I too remember the cord from when I was very little, I was usually stuck at the bar in our kitchen. Luckily by the time I actually enjoyed talking on the phone the cordless was out.

    1. We were so thrilled with the cordless! And then came caller ID and answering machines. Times sure have changed!

  4. I remember being stuck on a cord in the kitchen in Kindergarten and then finally being able to leave a room or walk around with a cordless! Crazy! I'm not sure my kids would know what to do!

    1. I don't know? It would be interesting to watch them with one of the phones, especially if it started to ring!


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