Monday, March 2, 2015

An Instagram Productivity Photo Challenge For The Month Of March

For the entire month of March, Alexis, of Strange and Charmed, is featuring an Instagram photo challenge. This photo challenge will hopefully keep us organized and inspired to be productive for the month. Use the hashtag #CharmedGTD to share your ideas and get inspiration from other's photographs. 


Just because winter is lingering on does not mean that we can not be motivated to be productive. Even though, when the snow is flying, staying in our pajamas all day does sound tempting. I am excited to see your pictures on Instagram.

Here are a few planner accessories that I have been working on to help me keep on top of my monthly goals.

I just completed a birthday card dashboard to add to your planner.
Also, I made a few applique paperclip bookmarks to mark important pages in your planner.

Now to you-

How are you staying productive on these cold winter days?

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