Monday, December 8, 2014

How I Spend My "Me Time" Tag

I enjoy watching "tag" videos and reading the tag responses on blog posts. I happened upon a fun tag video on Wonder Forest's blog. The "Me-Time" tag. The last time I shared a tag blog post was back in March. This looked like a fun tag to participate in, so I am sharing with you my answer's to the "Me Time" tag.

We all need a little me time. 

1. What do you watch or read during your me time?

I recently discovered the Outlander series books. In fact, my husband bought me the whole series and that is what I have been reading. I enjoy reading. It will take me awhile to get through this series. And I can honestly say that these are the first books that I will reread. I previously felt that there are just so many good books out there, why would I want to reread a book. But this Outlander series, I want to read over again and see what I missed the first time. 
On Saturday nights, I will watch movies on Netflix, but other than that I always have a book in my hands.

(photobombed by Charlie)

2. What do you wear during me time?

I have comfortable, warm, fleece pants that are my go to pants. Usually with the fleece pants, I will throw on an oversized t shirt. But, I always wear a snugly pair of slippers.

3. What are your me time beauty products?

I give myself an at home manicure when I have some me time.  As I have previously shared, my cuticles need to be soaked and pushed back. I try to do this activity at least once a week. 

4. What is your current favorite nail polish?

My favorite nail polish brand is Zoya. However, I have been enjoying putting on glue on nails after I have completed my at home manicures.

5. What do you eat/drink during me time?

I have been trying to eat healthier. My grocery store sells cut up fruit in a large container. I have been snacking on that as I sit on my computer.
I drink both coffee and tea. I prefer the flavored coffees with my iced coffee almond milk as a creamer.  

6. What is your favorite candle?

I do not have a favorite candle. I will burn anything. I pick up candles at the thrift stores. Also, candles on clearance, I am not picky. I enjoy the fire and the glow the fire gives off when the candle is burning. That is comforting to me. 

7. Do you ever have outdoor me time?

Yes, during the warm months I enjoy working in my flower beds. In fact, last year was my first attempt at caring for a rose plant.

I enjoy bike riding as an outdoor activity.  Just sitting on our front porch with a cup of coffee is an outdoor activity that both my husband and myself enjoy.

8.  Would you ever go see a movie alone?

No, I would not. I would rather sit at home in my comfy fleece pants. I can wait patiently for the movie to be available on Netflix or Red box.

9.  What is your favorite online shop?

My newly discovered Etsy. I can sit for hours and find many, many items to purchase. 

10. Anything to add? What else do you during me time?

I spend quite a bit of time on my computer. I enjoy watching You Tube videos, or reading blog posts about how to better improve your blog. 

But, if truth be told, I spend way too much time on Instagram. Lol.

Now to you-

Please copy and paste the questions and answer in the comments or in your own blog post and share the link.

  • What do you watch or read during me-time?
  • What do you wear during me-time?
  • What are your me-time beauty products?
  • Current favourite nail polish?
  • What do you eat/drink during me-time?
  • Current favourite candle?
  • Do you ever have outdoor me-time?
  • Would you ever go see a movie alone?
  • Favourite online shop?
  • Anything to add? What else do you do during me-time?

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