Monday, December 29, 2014

Gluten Free Hershey Kiss Mini Pies

These little bite size, chocolate pies are a delight as a quick dessert appetizer. While the pie crust was a bit tricky to work with, the results of these mini Hershey Kiss pies was simple to create. Place a single Hershey Kiss inside a square of pie dough, wrap pie dough around the Hershey Kiss and bake. Maybe not the most "gourmet" looking pie crusts, but the result was delicious.

gluten free mini pies

Ingredients you will need:

Any bag of your favorite variety of Hershey Kisses
Gluten free pie crusts
1 egg
Your desired toppings-confectioners sugar, Hershey syrup, or sprinkles

pie ingredients

The gluten free pie crust is not very forgiving to work with and was a tad bit crumbly. So, to the best of my ability, I placed a Hershey Kiss on top of a 1 inch square of pie dough. Then, I pieced together two roughly sized 1 and a 1/2 inch squares of pie dough and carefully pinched them together around the Hershey kiss.

The size of the dough is approximate, because not each piece of dough was exactly the same. Gluten free pie dough is tricky. 

I brushed the egg across the top of the mini pie and placed them in a 350 degree oven. They baked for approximately 12 to 15 minutes. Time will vary with the temperature of your oven.

Garnish with your choice of topping. I had confectioners sugar in the cabinet. But chocolate drizzle would be a good substitute.

I discovered this recipe while scrolling through Pinterest. I saw a picture of a Hershey Kiss wrapped in raw pie dough. Pretty self explanatory. I knew I had seen gluten free pie dough at my local grocery store. So, I gave it a try. 

Now to you-

Have you recreated a pastry that was not picture perfect, but the results were plenty delicious?

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