Thursday, November 6, 2014

Is Labeling Overrated?

+Pheeby Snow  is back with us this week with a guest post discussing the uses of Post it Notes. Personally, I use little notes to remind myself of important dates. They come in so many cute designs. Pheeby shares with us, her thoughts, on Post it Notes and the pros and cons of using them.

Thank you for sharing with us today, Pheeby

Is Labeling Overrated?

Considering the busy work schedule of a great part of people and the amount of things that they need to remember every single day, there is no wonder that many of them turn to different alternatives that could help them remember important meetings, personal appointments and birthdays of relatives. Nowadays, there are many options that you can use for reminding yourself of your important events, as the technologies have developed very quickly, however there is still one well known method that is used by many people – labeling.

Labeling has always been a secure way in which you can remember for yourself what you need to do, or simply what are your recent duties that you should take up with. People who prefer to rely on this method for not forgetting important details are often more distracted from others, or simply have busier schedules. The question that arises here is the following – is labeling overrated and do we really need to put small pieces of paper everywhere in order to manage with all of our arrangements in a precise way and on time ?

This question could be discussed a lot and that is why TidyCleaning North West London offer you a list of pros and cons that will make the things clear for you.


  • When you put labels on the fridge, on the bureau or even at the walls it is more likely to see them around your home. There is slight chance to neglect them and to forget about your appointment
  • When you write the tiny paper, the chance to remember about the event increases, while you are writing. In this way you start reminding of the event without even paying attention to the label
  • When putting labels in your room or at your bureau, you ensure easy access for the eye that finds it easy to capture the information in this way.
  • The habit of labeling makes you more organized person that can get used to write down important marks for a variety of events
  • The process of labeling is much slower compared to that of putting the information in your organizer
  • You need more materials to do the labeling, while when you use your phone, the only thing that you need is fully charged battery
  • All the small papers spread into your home can make a lot of unnecessary garbage that will require extensive cleaning afterwards
  • There is a great chance that someone could pick the label and throw it away, whether by accident or on purpose
  • Labeling can really destroy the order that has been established at your bureau or even in your room

These are some of the advantages and disadvantages of labeling that you need to consider. After all, the decision depends on you – if you are a fan of the latest technologies then your smart phone will do the same job, thanks to the organizer and applications that it could offer to  you.

As far as cleaning is concerned, labeling can make you provide additional cleaning if you have the habit of throwing away all the tiny papers on the floor. If you a type of person that adores labeling, then make sure that you will clean everything in an appropriate way. If it comes to your bureau, make sure that you will quickly get rid of all the labels that you no longer need unless you want to turn this place into a real mess. Even if you consider yourself an organized person, we advise you not to underestimate the significance of labeling and to use it as an alternative method, apart from the organizers on your phone.

Thank you, again Pheeby for sharing with us today.

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