Saturday, March 29, 2014

I Learned How To Crochet My First Hat

As I reflect back on this previous week, what has made me happy is the fact that I have learned how to crochet. My grandmother crocheted beautiful doilies. Then, my mother learned how to crochet granny squares. She made plenty of blankets. So, I have been interested in learning to crochet over the years. I have tried miserably to teach myself. I had no luck doing that.Then, my neighbor tried to help me. That failed miserably. So, when my local, community college offered a class on "Learning to Crochet," I jumped at the opportunity.

I started the classes back in February and last week I successfully completed my first project. I read a pattern and completed a slouchy hat.

I was practicing a stitch called the double crochet. With that practice strip, I created a short scarf. I added some decorative buttons and called it good.

I found a pattern in a baby blanket crochet book that I want to make. When I leafed through the book, I found a few patterns that I am interested in recreating. So, at this moment, I am working on this baby blanket for practice. 

For me, I have found crocheting to be relaxing. Even when I was not happy with my results and pulling it apart, I did not become stressed and frazzled. I just started over.

So that is what has made me happy this week. What made you happy this week?

Let me know in the comments below your answers!

Everyone, thank you for reading
Have a blessed day!

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