Saturday, March 15, 2014

Succulents In A Teacup

My friend, Elizabeth, who writes a blog at, Count It All Joy!, wrote a post about, Teacup Succulents. As you know, I am incorporating more plant life into our home. This looked like a cute idea, so I thought I'd give it a try. I drove to Lowes to buy a succulent plant. And, of course, I wanted to display this little plant in one of my grandmother's teacups.

When I was looking through the plant section at Lowes, I discovered they only had a few succulents to choose from. And these plants were not what I wanted. The salesclerk informed me that they would be receiving new shipments of these plants soon. But, she did direct me to a small clearance rack with plants that needed some TLC. The TLC plants were marked down to 50 cents apiece. So, I purchased 4 plants.

First, I transplanted the succulent that resembled a hen and chicken. Which is the plant that I was searching for. I was not going to drill a hole in the bottom of my grandmother's cup, so I used extra glass, decorative rocks from my basement for drainage.

The end result. I was very pleased.

I, then, transplanted the rest of my TLC plants.

Another succulent.

This is a picture of how this plant is doing today, as I write this blog post.

Doing pretty well.

This is a picture of a Ficus that I transplanted.

I placed this plant in our bathroom. It receives all of the humidity from when we take our showers and it seems to be coming out of the shock. The plant is turning a brighter green.

 And finally, I transplanted this little fern.

I had placed him in the living room. However, just today, I moved him to the bathroom. I feel as though he looked better in the pot when I brought him home then he does now.

There seems to be more yellow leaves on the plant. Because the ficus seems to be doing well in the bathroom, I felt the little fern might fair better in there also.

Fingers crossed for this little plant!

If you have any tips for growing ferns, please, pass them along. I need all of the help I can get!

Everyone, thank you for reading
Have a blessed day!

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