Saturday, February 8, 2014

Trying A New Recipe With My Juicer

I was looking through my recipes to use in my juicer and I came across one for strong bones. I was searching for recipes that aid with reducing inflammation. Because no matter how hard I try not to, I add salt to everything I eat. I even add a smidge of salt to my fruit. Which is not good, I know. (No lectures!) I digress.

I have not been adventurous in my juicing adventures. I have only experimented with carrots and apples. I have been nervous about trying a vegetable. I don't want my drink to taste bad. But I ventured across this recipe for carrots, apples and broccoli. So my handsome husband stopped by the grocery store after work and picked me up the items I needed:

2 carrots, peeled

1 red delicious apple, cored

1 cup broccoli

Don't know what happened to my flash in this picture? Looks as if a lightening bolt went off!

This was actually very good! It tasted sweet. I followed the recipe, but I added ingredients until the juice filled up my little Mason jar glass. In all, I added a whole head, or spear, of broccoli, 2 apples,and a handful of baby carrots.

I love juicing. I know that it is a healthy way to incorporate fruits and vegetables into your diet. And I am very happy with my Hamilton Beach juicer. However, I hate to clean this thing. It is a pain. Whenever I decide to try new recipes, or even old recipes, I make sure I have a sink of water filled with dish soap to allow the parts to be placed in the water and allowed to soak. Even after you scrub, little pieces of pulverized food can still be found after the part is dry. So, you will have to wash it again. And then the blade to grind up the fruits and vegetables is a sharp and scary part that you have to take a scrubby brush and scrub the blade. But still that needs additional cleaning with a dish rag. Oh my! What a lot of work.

I'm just venting here. Thanks for listening. I will still use my juicer. In fact, later today I will make this recipe again. My handsome husband brought home enough of the ingredients for me to make it a couple of times.

Let me know in the comments below how you clean your juicer. Or any delicious recipes that I need to try!

Everyone, thank you for reading 
Have a blessed day!

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