Saturday, February 1, 2014

Just Felt Like Something Healthy

Today I needed to use up some frozen bananas, so I got busy and made myself a banana chocolate milkshake. This milkshake (paleo) is delicious. 

Yummy and healthy! 

The ingredients you will need are:

2 or 3 frozen bananas (it is important that they be frozen to provide the right texture)
3 ice cubes
about 1 cup (or 1 and a half cup) of almond milk
1 to 3 teaspoons cocao powder (depending on how chocolately you like it)

The bananas in the picture are not frozen, I just wanted you to see the ingredients. And also, the frozen bananas were not very pretty. My blender was not able to handle all of the frozen ingredients, so I added a splash of cold water instead of the ice cubes and the result was the same.

If you have tried any Paleo recipe and have enjoyed it, let me know in the comments below. I need all of the help with cooking ideas that I can get!

Everyone, thank you for reading
Have a blessed day!

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