Thursday, February 20, 2014

Photography Challenge...Flowers

Here are pictures of flowers from my flower bed last summer.

My handsome husband cut these flowers from the flower bed, put them in a vase, and they were waiting for me when I got home. What a beautiful anniversary bouquet!

Now, by no means am I a gardener! I buy $1.00 box of flower seeds from the Dollar Tree. I scatter the box on the ground where I want flowers to go. I do not get the ground ready first. Or cover the seeds. Or water the seeds. I just let whatever happens, happen. I even let some of the weeds stay in the flower bed. Some of the weeds have gorgeous flowers also. 

But, oh how I enjoy the pretty flowers that do come up and provide my flower beds with beautiful surprises.

How do you take care of your flowers?

Everyone, thank you for reading
Have a blessed day!

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