Friday, January 17, 2014

Broccoli, Tomato, and Onion Side Dish

Yesterday I made a broccoli side dish.


There are 4 ingredients.

My type of recipe.

Red onion
Red wine vinaigrette

I cut up 2 spears of broccoli. I cut up 2 tomatoes. I cut up half an onion 
(my store did not have any red onions) and used an aged balsamic vinaigrette. I mixed all of the ingredients together and let it set in the refrigerator for a few hours. 

It was delicious. I had a large salad for supper last night and I added this dish to my salad. This would be great as a side dish with a fish dinner. Yummy!

I will definitely be making this dish again. 
What are some other side dishes that are your favorites. Let me know.

Everyone, thank you for reading
Have a blessed day!

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