Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Another drawer organized...and on we go!

Last night I worked on my dish towel drawer. By folding and rolling my towels in the following manner, I created more space in the drawer.

First, I emptied the drawer, washed out the bottom and put a  non-slip drawer liner on the bottom of the drawer.

Next, I folded my dishcloths in half.

Then, I rolled the dish cloths into a small roll.

I placed the dish cloths close to the end of the drawer, because I grab those out of the drawer more than anything else.

I started working on the dish towels next. I folded the dish towels into thirds, as such.

I folded one side to the middle, then, I folded the other side on top of that one.

I rolled the dish towels in the same manner as I rolled the dish cloths.

I use tea towels on my glassware and dishes when I dry my dishes by hand. I prefer this material, as opposed to the dish towels, because the tea towels do not leave lint particles on the dishes.

 I also folded the tea towels in thirds, rolled them up and placed them in the drawer. 

With the added room in the drawer, I moved some utensils, from the silverware drawer, to this drawer.

I am still working on this drawer. I want to throw out some of my older dish towels and buy new. I want to see if I need to down size on the dish cloths. I have decided that any of the utensils that I moved to this drawer and if I do not touch them in the next couple of months, I will donate them.

Here is a brief reminder of the before picture.

And now onto the silverware drawer. 

I am ready to tackle this. 

Maybe tomorrow!

Everyone, thank you for reading
Have a blessed day!

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