Friday, December 27, 2013

Cover on the silver screen readalong party

I recently finished reading Tara Road by Maeve Binchy. This book was a very good book.
 I give it 5 out 5 stars.
I will give you a short review. This book tells the story of a girl who grows to a woman and her struggles, or her naivety, along the way.
I really do not like to read reviews on books, because I like to be surprised as I am reading them. I want the "wow, didn't see that coming" as I read. Last year, my handsome husband bought me my Nook. I discovered blogs that rated books they had read with either stars or shoes. I would look for the ratings and not read the reviews. I would read why they gave the book that rating and then judge for myself if I felt that was a good enough reason not to buy the book and read it. Unless, of course, the cover of the book looked too interesting not to read. Yes, I am a book cover judge.
Today I am posting to tell you of a book read with Book-alicious Mama.
+Jennifer Smeth is hosting a read and discuss party on her channel here. We will be reading the book The Monuments Men by Robert M. Edsel.
Here is a copy of the schedule she has posted:
Remember we’ll discuss here and also on Twitter using the hashtag #monumentsmen to discuss it on Twitter.  Tweet your thoughts on the book or quotes that jump out to you.
  • Week of January 6: Part I
  • Week of January 13: Part II
  • Week of January 20: Part III
  • Week of January 27: Part IV and V
Hopefully this gives everyone enough time to try and win a copy, borrow it from the library or buy one.
So? Are you with me? If yes, then post about it on your blog (to help us spread the word) and then sign up in the linky below with the URL of the post. If you are not a blogger, just sign up in the linky below.

Join me as we read The Monuments Men before the movie comes out in Febuary!

 The giveaway has expired though.
 Go check out her blog to get all the details. Sounds like fun!
Everyone, thank you for reading
Happy New Year!

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