Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Handmade Christmas bows

Earlier this fall, while reading blogs I love, I came across this post for making fancy bows. I have wanted to try this but I always forget to pick up some ribbon. OH, the fragile mind of a busy lady. 

To get started you will need these items:
Wired ribbon is best for this project. Scissors. A tape measure. A bread tie or twisty tie.
Cut the ribbon to a 3 feet length. Wrap the ribbon around your fingers. Wrap tight for a smaller bow or loosely for a bigger bow.

The ends of the bow should be pulled out a smidge (yes, a technical crafter's term) from the roll. Place the bread tie under the roll.

Wrap the bread tie around the ribbon. Then twist the bread tie together.
This is how the bow should look like at this point.
Now start separating and pulling the bow. Because of the wire in the ribbon, it is easy to arrange the bow to your desired look. Play around with it. Twist and pull till you get your cute bow.
Here are 3 bows I created. Each of the bows have a different look.

I decorated Mr. Chicken with one of the bows. He already had a gold ribbon around his neck. I attached the ribbon I made to the gold existing ribbon.
Doesn't he look festive.

I added two of the ribbons to the Christmas tree.

You can put these bows on Christmas gifts, add them to wreaths, or place on garland. 
There are so many ways to use these bows all throughout the year.

 I had fun making these bows. And if I can remember ribbon when I'm out shopping, I will be creating many more!

Everyone, thank you for reading
Have a blessed day!

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