Saturday, December 14, 2013

Getting organized....What's Up?

I want to share with you how my closet reorganization is going. First I had to empty the shelf completely, and throw away items from the shelf or donate them to the Goodwill. I went to the Dollar Tree and found containers to organize items that had previously been strewn throughout the house. 
Here is a picture of the progress I have made so far:

My handsome husband helped by going through the coats and donating some that he no longer wore. I bought wood hangers to hang some of the heavier coats. Many of the videos and blogs that show how to organize use plastic boxes to store items. But I found these decorative boxes at the Dollar Tree that I thought were more attractive than the plastic boxes. They are cheap cardboard boxes and might not hold up, but I wanted to try them. I added card stock labels to let my family members know what can be found in the boxes.

Let me refresh your memory and show you a before picture:

 I am getting there. I still have things I want to add such as an over-the-door shoe holder. I still need to clean out the floor of the closet. That is were I keep my wrapping paper. No, not in a box, just stuck in the corner. Are you surprised! Example, the photo above.

We had a winter snow fall here last night. Approximately 4 inches fell. It is putting me in the Christmas spirit. Hope your holidays are going well!

Everyone, thank you for reading
Happy holidays!

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