Tuesday, December 31, 2013

For you hurried moms.....Snow art

When my son was around the age of ten, I was taking college courses at that time of his life. With the classes I took in early childhood development we were always instructed to find creative and fun ideas to help children grow. Well, I chanced upon an article about putting food coloring in spray bottles and fill with water. Dress appropriately and spray the mixture onto snow.  Well, here in the middle of corn fields, we get a fair amount of snow each year. So one day we filled a spray bottle with water and food coloring and he had the time of his life. He thought it was so fascinating how the snow turned colors. We stayed outside for a long while. We live on a corner lot. He sprayed the food coloring in the snow by the curb. We had quite a few people drive by and observe my son's creative abilities.

We had snow here yesterday and more snow forecasted for tomorrow. With so much snow this year and children out of school for the holidays, give this activity a try. We had so much fun, I know you will too.
This activity is fun and easy on the pocket book. Save any empty spray bottles you may have. As an example in the picture above, any bottle that sprays or squeezes would work for this activity.
Now the food coloring might stain their hands, let them wear gloves and clothes that you do not care if they get ruined. My son was so interested in spraying the snow and making fun designs that his clothes and hands were unscathed.
Now for any of you who live where you might not get any snow, seems to me this activity might work with sand also. I'm not sure. If you give it a try. Let us know if it works!

Everyone, thank you for reading
Happy New Year!

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