Wednesday, December 18, 2013

For You Hurried Moms

The holidays are here. You are busy.
Then your child tells you they need a dozen cookies for school tomorrow. And it's 8:00.
Been there....done that. Pull a ready made cookie mix out of your cabinets. Grab an egg, a softened stick of butter, 2 tablespoons water, 10 minutes to mix everything together. Bake and your done. A dozen cookies ready for your little one to take to school.
My son brought home a ready to make cookie mix. I made them for him and his father they loved them. Wanted me to make more.
Here is a picture of the baked cookies.
Here is the ready to make cookie package.
 The picture shows the few ingredients you will need. Mix these all together, bake on parchment paper for easy clean up, and you are finished. The most difficult aspect to the cookies was rolling the cookie dough in the sugar packet ingredients. The cookie dough was a little sticky.
When you are at the grocery store pick these up and have them on hand for the little surprises in life. I would have loved having this in my cabinets 15 years ago when my son was in school. I made plenty of the cake mix cookies. (A blast from the past) These ready mixes are much easier. My family scarf's down the chocolate chip cookies. The chocolate chip cookies are even easier to make. You use 1 stick of softened butter, 1 egg, and the mix. You don't even need to touch the cookie dough.
If you have tried these cookies, let me know.
Everyone, thank you for reading
Happy Holidays!

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