Saturday, December 28, 2013

Blankets what?

I finally finished my son's blanket. Just in time for Christmas. Not under the tree from Santa, just wanted him to enjoy it before the holidays were over. He wanted a gray blanket. I found two different colors of gray. This particular material was extremely warm and fuzzy. I followed the same sewing pattern as the other blankets. Pin wrong sides together, sew around the edges, cut off excess material and you are finished. Easey. Peasey
Cutting off the excess material.
I have created 5 blankets total. Here is a review of the finished blankets.
I made my sister-in-law, Kim, a Chicago Bears blanket.
I made my husband and father-in-law a brown blanket
I made my mother-in-law a plaid and brown blanket.
My machine worked very well when I was creating my son's blanket. No issues!
Now onto something else. I really enjoyed making the infinity scarves. And I haven't really searched through the clearance material at Joann's. So I think I will start there, but until then I will be searching through blogs for more ideas.
Everyone, thank you for reading
Happy New Year!

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