Sunday, November 24, 2013

The 5k was today

November 24, 2013

Today was the 5k race. At 9:00, when the race started it was 16 degrees Fahrenheit. A little chilly, but the morning was gorgeous. Mist was rising off the lake as the geese honked and flew by us. Beautiful! The race started with the firing of the gun. Away went the avid racers. It was exciting to watch them start off. I stayed at the back of the race. I wanted to be out of everyones way. I kept a steady pace. I couldn't believe that I was actually "running," really a fast walk, but it was so exciting. The path we ran on had some hills. I tried to push myself on the down hills and maintain a steady pace up the hills. People were very nice and said "Nice job" to one another as they passed by. I loved it. We had to cross 2 bridges. They were covered with frost. I took careful steps on the bridges. We were told that someone would be at the halfway point. I was so excited to finally see this person. I knew the hardest part was over.
My race results were 43.32 minutes. However, I was most excited that I actually finished the race. I did it at my own pace. I pushed myself, but not so hard that I had a heart attack. Thank goodness for my lucky hat! I am taking the next couple of days off from walking to give my aching joints a little break.
Here are a few pictures
5k run
Here I am just as I started to pick up my pace. My handsome husband took pictures for me.

5k run

Almost finished!
I pushed myself harder from here. Because I was so ecstatic that I really had done it and because people were watching! 
This is my number and the shirt they gave out.
5k run
I have already started searching the internet for another race to participate in.

I want to thank everyone for reading as I embarked on this journey and fulfilling a dream come true.
Have a blessed day!

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