Thursday, November 14, 2013

Gluten free cupcakes

November 14, 2013

On Monday and Tuesday the temperature was, consecutively ,14 and 15 degrees. So, I walked on my treadmill, which is in my garage. It was still chilly, but I was out of the wind. On Wednesday, I took an actual rest day and baked in my kitchen instead. I made gluten free chocolate cupcakes with white frosting.
gluten free cupcakes
Now I just used a box mix with white frosting. The box did say to use a half cup of butter. However, I am not using dairy in my diet. So I substituted a half a cup of light olive oil. Now, let me tell you, at first, this scared me to death because the batter was very runny. I thought, oh my goodness, I have ruined the batter. I thought about throwing it out. But then I thought, oh well, lets just see how this does. So I stuck them in the oven. The directions said to let them bake for 18 to 20 minutes. However, I left them in for approximately 25 minutes. They appeared to be fine, but I needed to try a taste test. They came away from the wrapper and looked delicious. Of course I had to try 2. (Just to make sure they were good.) Then, I covered them with the frosting. Oh my, more taste testing, just to make sure. After another 2, I will tell you that they were perfect. I have made these cupcakes before. That time though, I used butter. Even with the olive oil these cupcakes taste just like
Hostess Suzy Q's. I love Suzy Q's. So you can imagine how excited I was when I made a gluten free version.
Well then this morning, after all of those cupcakes that needed tested, plus more after supper, let's not go into too much detail, but this mornings walk was a little labor intensified. I was struggling. Well, when I got home, instead of testing more, I bagged the cupcakes into a freezer Ziploc bag and put them in the freezer. Now with the holidays fast approaching, I will be able to enjoy a gluten free treat with everyone else.
I am interested in making a healthier snack. Maybe a type of gluten free granola. If anyone out there has a few good recipes. Let me know. I really need some healthier snacks in my life.

Everyone, thank you for reading
Have a blessed day!

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