Sunday, November 3, 2013

Chocolate Banana Milkshake

Last night I made my self a delicious milkshake.

The ingredients you will need are:
2 or 3 frozen bananas (it is important that they be frozen to provide the right texture)
3 ice cube
1 cup (or 1and a half cup) of almond milk
1 to 3 teaspoons coco powder (depending on how chocolately you like it)
I put all of the ingredients into the blender. I added 1 teaspoon of natural sugar. I like sweet milkshakes. I had let the bananas defrost for a few minutes, but my blender had a little trouble blending them. It took me a bit to blend it all together. But, when it was blended this milkshake was awesome. It was like eating ice cream. I had to use a spoon to eat it. I did stir in more chocolate powder because I like chocolatey shakes. I also added a spoonful of honey to make it a little sweeter tasting.
Here is a picture. The flash wasn't working for me, so it is a little yellow. Sorry.

chocolate banana milkshake paleo

You can see how thick this is. I am so going to make this again. I used Hersheys cocoa powder. I want to find a natural, dark chocolate powder for the next milkshakes. 

Let me know if you try this recipe.
Everyone, thank you for reading
Have a blessed day!

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