Saturday, October 12, 2013

New Curtains

2 months ago, I made curtains for our small bathroom window. I went to Joann Fabrics and looked for curtain patterns. I wanted specific pattern instructions on how to sew curtains. The patterns I looked at and bought told me how to measure for what I needed. Well, this was not what I wanted, so I just copied the curtains that had been hanging in the window. The material for the curtains were found at the Salvation Army. I found a tablecloth material that I liked. The tablecloth cost me $5.00. There was plenty of material, so if I made a mistake, I had plenty of material to begin new. I used the existing edges from the tablecloth. I sewed the sides of the curtain. I folded over the top of the curtain where the curtain rod fit into and sewed that down.
I know these are very simple instructions but they were simple curtains to sew.
Here are the completed curtains.
sewing curtains

The curtains needed ironed, but I was just too excited about hanging them in the window. This was a fun project to tackle. However, I think I will stick to making blankets and other projects. But after I made the curtains, we realized how badly the bathroom needed painted! I will post that project tomorrow.

Everyone, thank you for reading
Have a great day!

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