Thursday, October 24, 2013

DIY scarf holder

October 24, 2013

I was scanning through Pinterest last night and found this easy DIY scarf holder. I did not get the name of the person who had this on Pinterest. This is totally their idea. I just copied it.
I kept my scarves on a hanger. Or else, I hung them on hooks on the wall. This is a picture of how I hung the scarves before.

DIY scarf holder

These are the supplies you will need
A hanger
shower curtain rings
ribbon or yarn

DIY scarf holder

DIY scarf holder

Here is a picture of the finished project. It is pretty self explanatory. I used a hanger and tied the shower curtain rings together. I cut the yarn approximately 7 inces long. I placed the rings on the hanger, tied them together, and voila, it's done. The Pinterest photo had white shower rings that were tied together with pretty ribbon. But I thought to myself how can I repeat this project with articles I already have at the house. What could I find at the Dollar Tree?  I did not have any ribbon, so I asked myself what else could I use? I do have plenty of yarn around the house. That solved that issue. However, I needed the rings. I thought Dollar Tree would be my best choice. They had shower rings, however, they only had this funky green color. Oh well, no one will see the rings. So home I went with my find. This project took me a total of 15 minutes to complete. And this project only cost me $1.00.

Here is a picture of the scarves in the holder.

DIY scarf holder

I am going to make another holder just for my winter scarves and seperate winter from dress scarves. This would be a cute project for children to do. Mom's would love it. It is a great idea for a stocking stuffer. I might make my sister-in-law one. However, I will get some pretty ribbon and white or clear hooks for her. 

If you try this project let me know. I would love to see your ideas.

Everyone, thank you for reading
Have a great day!

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