Sunday, October 20, 2013

Book review of Dark Places

I finished the book Dark Places and thought you might like a review.

The book has 603 pages. I borrowed the book from the library. I was walking to the fiction section, and this book was on the end display. Well, of course, I grabbed it right up. I have tried to borrow this book on my Nook, our library loans out Nook books, but when I would try to borrow it, the website page said that it only available to "place on hold." Frustrating. So imagine my excitement when it was just sitting there waiting for me.

This is what is written on the back cover of the book.
Libby Day was seven when her mother and two sisters were murdered in "The Satan Sacrifice of Kinnakee, Kansas." She survived, famously testifying that her fifteen year-old brother, Ben , was the killer. Twenty five years later Ben is still in prison when the Kill Club, a secret society obsessed with notorious crimes, locates Libby. They pump her for details, and Libby hatches a plan to profit from her tragic history. For a fee, she'll reconnect with the players, report her findings...and maybe admit her testimony wasn't so solid.

The book is told in present day and then flashes back to the past. Libby, written in the present, is a down on her luck thirty-three year old. She really would rather not get a job, but would rather rely on the handouts of others to make ends meet.  This is how she discovers The Kill Club. A group of people who believe that her brother did not kill her family, it had to be someone else. The book has chapters that flash back to her mother and her brother. We get a better look at exactly what happened that fateful night. Gillian Flynn writes these chapters, giving you just enough information about the characters and then she will write the next chapter about present day Libby. Oh, sometimes this can be so frustrating because you are on the edge of your seat, thinking, ok, now I'm going to find out why this happened. Then she will write the next chapter on another persons character and what circumstances are happening that effects what other characters are thinking. Sometimes while reading the book, you want to skip ahead and read only the chapters concerning her mother or only the chapters regarding Libby's brother. But that would be wrong. That is why this book is a very good read. However, the book is also a very dark read about murder. The thoughts going through the characters minds are disturbing. Some of the characters in the book are people you would be afraid of if you met them in a dark alley. This book contains foul language and cursing. The characters are rough and the cursing reflects the difficulty of each of the characters lives. The characters in this book do not sit around and drink tea. Their lives are "down on your luck" type of people. I really can not go into much detail about the characters, I don't want to give too much information away. And it bothers me when people say you won't believe the ending, but.....

So on to the next library find. This book is a total opposite of the one I just read.

You can never go wrong with a Jane Evanovich book.
Everyone, thank you for reading
Have a great day!

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